- Kalın Kapak
- 375 Sayfa
- 255 mm x 285 mm
- DreamWorks Space 2: Working Is Fun presents 43 of the best creative and innovational examples of work space design from over 20 countries. Descriptive detail, fine photography, drawings and plans are all provided. This book not only covers reception areas, meeting room, office space, break out rooms, but involves interior landscape areas, staff canteen, washroom in the office, etc. Featured design agencies include: Camenzind Evolution Ltd., dan pearlman Markenarchitektur GmbH, HASSELL, Ippolito Fleitz Group GmbH, PENSON, Wonderwall etc. In this book, we wanted to show architecture involving major brands and architects, but also to throw light on the work of less well-known architects unafraid of innovation and risk.
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